Listen to “The Tower Of Silence“ here : Director and creative producer - Sofya Atalikova @kristallikova Director of photography - Valeriia Johnsen @lerachervi Edit - Simulation Production @simulationprod Music by @ Music team: @italiansdoitbetter Produced, Mixing - Love Object @ Post - production producer Sofya Atalikova @kristallikova & Valeriia Johnsen @lerachervi Color - Jaime OBradovich @jaimeoshow & Company 3 @company_3 VFX and editor - Christina Nakhvat @christinakhvat @vfxtina Color producer - Nick Krasnic @nickkraz Animation - Ruslan Kolmakov @kolmakovruslan Style ...– Xenia Dremina @xenia_dremina Costume Designer - Anastasia Kosyakova @mnetozemozina @oknostore @oknokapsula Production designer – Fedor Bliznyuk @fiodrrrrr Assistant set designers - Elizaveta Smirnova @krvinvgrzybow , Maria Demyanova @demyanma Gaffer – Vasiliy Lyaporov @xahakyc Lighting technicians - Lyoma Emirsanov @crazy_lem @svetotseh 1AD - Ekaterina Zhuchkina DOP assistant - Alexander Grigorev @grigorev_me MUAH - Daria Gudkova @goodddasha CAST: Dasha Utochka @dasha_utochka Danya Mu @danyamuuu Illustrations - Sofya Atalikova @kristallikova Titles - Sofya Atalikova @kristallikova Special thanks: Santa Lina @ Eric Sadler @ericsadlerteledrome Corset by The VOW (@thevowbrand) Jewelry by: Get Man Jewelry (@getmanjewelry) Ultra True (@) Res Objects (@resobjects) Delirium thickens Leaves a bloody mark To have more This is the New Testament It’s a regular thing Thinking only about yourself In this filthy game To rip the last thread Off the dead man When I sleep on the tower of silence You won’t ruin my dreams When I freeze on the tower of silence The remains will be glodged by dogs of the sky - the vultures Flat thoughts in an empty head Swim in the soup Of self-doubt Self-esteem must be raised: Humiliate, steal Lie, kill When I sleep on the tower of silence You won’t ruin my dreams When I freeze on the tower of silence The remains will be glodged by dogs of the sky - the vultures When I sleep on the tower of silence You won’t ruin my dreams When I freeze on the tower of silence The remains will be glodged by dogs of the sky - the vultures
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