Техника танго.
4 кратные чемпионы США Victor Veyrasset and Heather Smith объясняют технику танго.
00:01:53 Section 1 - Linear Motion
00:04:30 Section 2 - Ranges of Motion
00:08:49 Section 3 - Inside and Outside of Turns
00:10:54 Section 4 - Description of Tango
00:13:25 Step 1 - Two Tango Walks
00:24:41 Step 2 - Progressive Link
00:36:16 Step 3 - Closed Promenade
00:47:19 Step 4 - Open Reverse Outside Partner and Closed Finish
00:56:09 Step 5 - Natural Promenade Turn
01:04:22 Step 6 - Fallaway Promenade
01:11:02 Step 7 -