The latest and single from new album ’Sus Dog’
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Closing in with these singles now!
Those synths wanna be like sunshine. Mr. Thom Yorke was v helpful on this one, saying it’s fine to take a few layers off your voice, you sound fine solo’d. Who would have thought, eh. Thanks for listening.
Director: Dylan Hayes
Production Company: Knucklehead Ltd @knucklehead_hq
Record Label: Throttle Records @throttlerecords
Executive Producer: Ore Okonedo @oreokonedo
Producer: Pollyanna Boyles @pollyannaboyles
Director Of Photography: Owain Morgan @o_e_morgan
Rental Company: Ice F
Offline: Final Cut @finalcutedit
Editor: Mike Radforth @mradforth
Post Production Producer: Ella Marafini
Colourist: Dylan Hayes
TV FX: Owain Morgan @o_e_morganShow more