ASMR | EMDR Full Therapy Session 💕 (Soft Spoken)

Hello my regal robins, today’s video is a bit more serious in tone compared to most others. We’ll be doing an EMDR therapy session (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which is designed to help heal from painful memories. So if you’re not feeling up to that, that’s completely fine! I do want to add some disclaimers though that I am not a professional or trained therapist. I do lots of research when I do a more serious video such as this, but it’s no replacement for actual therapy. My hope is to help people who can’t afford or just can’t get to a therapist for whatever reason. But this video is made to also be ASMR, and so I will include lots of visual triggers, such as follow my fingers, follow the light, look over here, my crystal pendulum. And will also include some countdowns, some deep breathing exercises, some guided meditation, and more. I’ll be softly speaking throughout the video. Hope you enjoy, and see you soon! 😊
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