EVERYONE CAN SEW šŸ’„Whether itā€™s sewing trousers or pajamas/ITā€™S VERY EASY

EVERYONE CAN SEW šŸ’„Whether itā€™s sewing trousers or pajamas/ITā€™S VERY EASY. I used double width 115 cm seweatshort fabric. It is L size compatible, that is, size 44, anyone can sew it I found the hip measurement with the formula hip Ć· 4 1. Since I was working with a lycra fabric, I did not give a seam allowance. If I were to work with a non-elastic fabric, I would definitely give a seam allowance. donā€™t forget . šŸ“ŒšŸ“Œ NOTE; To get a smaller size, reduce your hip measurement by 1 cm. To get a larger size, increase your hip measurement by 1 cm. šŸ“ŒšŸ“ŒDONā€™T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡ #a_linekurticuttingandstitching #veryeasypantssewing #veryeasytrousercuttingandsewing #whetheryousewtrousersorpajamas #howtosewtrousers #easytrousersewing #pajamas #howtosewpajamas #howtosew #basictailoringforbeginners #easysewingprojectsforbeginners #howtomakepatternsforclothes #sewingtipsandtricks #howtocutdresseasyway #tailornour #howtocutclothforsewingforbeginners #howtodesignadressforbeginners #howtocutpatternsforsewing #howtosewforbeginner #howtocutdresseasyway #howtomakepatternsforclothes #howtoDesignadressforbeginners #basictailoringforbeginners #sewingtipeandtricksforbeginners #easysewingprojectsforbeginners #howtocutclothforsewingforbeginners #howtosewadressforbeginnerstohand #easyupcyclesewingprojects #tipsforstitchingclothes #cuttingandsititching #sewingtipsandtricks #sewingpatternsforbeginners #easysewingpatternsforwomensc #a_linekurticuttingandstitching sewingprojects #tailornour #tailor
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