finally i made this holy BRS viddie *O* and what can i say ._. im totally ADDICTED to this. yeah like i re-watched it 5 or 6 times *O* i mean its just pure power *-* aaaand xD i know this isnt exactly my style o.e but i think im improving at least a little ._. i hope so anyway xD this goes to my sis ;w; i wanted to dedicate something to you so badly ;w; this was actually just one of the plenty of viddies i edited lately xD but i am SOOOO not gonna upload em xDD ehm ehm o.e this was the best among the shittyness o.e sooo xD alrite there isnt enough space here to write how much i love you sis ._. yeah i know ._. lame =w= i hope u like this o.e xD since u did that HUGE sacrifice xD im talking about when u watched the hinataness without puking XD THANK YOU SIS xD for not puking o.e 8D teehe n.n“ i wont edit hinata anymore n.n“ i swear n.n“ what else o.e i am gonna leave in 6 days or so, so yeah o.e ily all ç_ç ily sis ç_ç
changing topic [HINATAs NEW SHAMPOO 8D xD LOL SI