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Is it time to make Christmas Elf? How’s about making a useful Elf with jar and air dry clay that we can use it as night lamp/ lantern or keep things inside the jar?
You may like this easy DIY clay craft video. Watch till the end and find out if this is something you’ve been looking for to make by yourself. I think this little craft project is perfect for Christmas decoration or gift.
What clay did I use?
I use Clayitnow’s super simple air dry clay recipe with only 4 ingredients:
- 3 parts plaster of Paris
- 1 part flour
- baby oil
- enough water
You can see me making that clay at my recent winter fairy house project at
Btw, if you are familiar with oven baked polymer clay, you can use that too.
Find out what type of clay suits you at my website:
Hope you enjoy watching my video and get inspired.
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