Mick Abrahams - Mick Abrahams (1971 uk, excellent blues rock)

Mick Abrahams - Mick Abrahams (1971 uk, excellent blues rock) The roots of Mick Abrahams’ musical career were typical of aspiring guitarists in the mid-sixties, taking in stints with R&B groups like The Hustlers, The Toggery Five, Screaming Lord Sutch, Neil Christian’s Crusaders (replacing Jimmy Page) and his own McGregor’s Engine. By late 1967 Mick had become a founder member of Jethro Tull, and throughout 1968 the band built up a reputation based on the already distinctive blues guitar of Abrahams and the flute playing and wild stage persona of Ian Anderson. The band’s unique blend of ...blues, jazz and rock was reflected in their first album This Was, an immediate UK chart hit. However, having two such strong personalities as a twin focus was always going to be a recipe for musical incompatibility, and at the end of 1968 Abrahams jumped ship. After quitting Jethro Tull Mick formed his own band, called Blodwyn Pig. They released two albums “Ahead Rings Out“ (1
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