Luhan鹿晗《零界点(On Fire)》正式MV(繁体版)

#鹿晗#LuHan#鹿晗零界点 迷幻冷酷的曲风,跳跃有力的节奏,鹿晗开辟现实与想象不断变幻的“零界点”空间!已知与未知的碰撞,层层递进的角色,场景与音乐的冲击,共同演绎一场“生活的电影”。现实之上,我们努力向自己想要的方向前进,到达想象中的未知境界,态度年轻,风格鲜明,直到我们再次遇见新的自己。新的一天,换上新的装备,自我突破,永远没有ending。 Here is LU’s “On fire” space ! It’s a brand new one that reality & fantasy are mixed harmoniously and our character are ever changing to perceive different experiences till redefining ourselves. In the exciting rhythm, each word is drumming the attitude that just forge ahead and young life is without limitations and impossibilities. 字幕投稿链接:
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