Anakin & Ahsoka | Flashlight (The Clone Wars)

okguys. watch in HD pls headphones. much love to anakin’s french voice, man i love you. • so sorry for the overused song, oops? • this is my worst edit ever, but this is my first time editing an ANIMATED one, so just pretend its good • i promise this is my last star wars edit of 2020 lol K so, as you know, or not, i’m a big big big fan of Star Wars 1 to 6 for now almost 10 years but i’ve never watched The Clone Wars?? Yep. No excuses tbh. Since we’re lockdown in France, I started it and, well..... totally loved it??? I cried like a baby while watching the last season but damnnnnnn. I didn’t know it was possible for me to love Anakin more than I did but guess what? IT IS. I mean, he is one of my favorite character EVER since I’m 13 but The Clone Wars made me love him even more, like really, I love him so much, it’s terrible at this point. The arc when he sees his future is one of my favorites, it was so interesting and so sad at the same time... So yeah, an edit with Ahsoka, she’s amazing! I knew i
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