Cinder || Heart As a River (The Lunar Chronicles)

| E D I T O R | RINOA | F A N D O M | Cinder: The Lunar Chronicles (by Marissa Meyer) | D R E A M C A ST | End of the video | S O N G | End of the video !About Cinder Race! by lunarchroniclesfan: Lunars are not any one race. Saying Cinder isn’t Asian because she’s Lunar is completely ignoring where Lunars came from. Lunars are humans who moved. So saying that Cinder isn’t Asian because she’s Lunar is like saying a human isn’t Asian because they’re human. It’s just a little silly. The author, Marissa Meyer had a vision of a racially diverse cast. The three — soon to be four—- girls of this story are all Lunars and all racially diverse. So can we please stop whitewashing Cinder. Yes she’s Asian. I think it might have been a little obvious, over time, that Cinder didn’t belong and might be Lunar if Lunars were a distinct race all their own. Even all these points aside, Marissa Meyer wanted Cinder to be Asian. I think she has final say on the matter. #fanvidfeed #Thelunarchronicles #cinder ---------
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