528Hz + 432Hz + 639Hz Frequencies | Aura Cleansing | Remove Negative Blockages | Meditation Music

Combined 528Hz, 432Hz & 639Hz miracle frequencies for destroying unconscious blockages & fear while cleansing your aura and boosting positive energy. This music helps you in the deepest healing, as well as for healing old negative energies. Dissolve negative patterns & live the life to its fullest. ✹ Replay This ✹ ⇥ ✹ Recommendations ✹ ⇥ 432Hz : ⇥ 432Hz : ⇥ Manifest : ⇥ 528Hz : 528 Hz Frequency The 528 Hz tone is the Miracle frequency of the Solfeggio musical scale. It is the frequency of love. 528Hz resolves to 5 2 8=15 which in turn equals to 6, and shows the entrance of transformation and miracles in your life. It was used by ancient people to cure people and spread health and longevity. It lifts the heart and helps us flow in harmony. Nature, in balance, resonates at 528Hz. 432 Hz Frequency Tuning our music to less than 440 Hz we can directly access univers
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