Thor Animation Posing | 28 Day Animation Challenge - Day 7
In Day 7 of the 28 day animation challenge - we’re leveling up to full body characters from here on out. And what better way to warm up to that and a new rig than with a posing challenge. This time with Thor.
➡️ Download the Thor Rig (by WatYanin) and Hammer Rig (by Candy Rigs) here:
🎨💪Unlock Pro Mode for free by visiting:
⏰ Timecodes ⏰
0:00 - Intro
0:43 - pose challenge setup
1:53 - pose 1
07:09 - pose 2
12:22 - pro mode & showcase
13:36 - pose 3
19:03 - pose 4
24:19- pose 5
30:27 - the next animation challenge
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