Cherries 4K video

#4kvideohdr #4k #4kvideo #cherries Cherries. Valuable April-May honey plant, which gives the bees nectar, pollen-pollen and glue-propolis. Among stone fruits, sweet cherry ranks first in terms of nectar productivity. Honey productivity reaches 35 kg per hectare of plantings. Cherry seeds contain up to 30% fatty oil, which can have technical applications, and up to 1% essential oil used in perfumery and liquor production. The leaves contain up to 250 mg% of vitamin C. In folk medicine, cherry juice is used as an expectorant for bronchitis and tracheitis, an aqueous infusion of fruit pulp is a refreshing and antipyretic for colds; cherries also increase appetite. The plant produces a lot of gum, which is used in textile production and in the finishing of fabrics. The bark contains 7-10% tannins, which allows it to be used for tanning leather. The bark and roots were previously used to dye wool and fabrics. The wood is suitable for carpentry, hoops are made from young trunks. Cherry pipes and mout
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