Sailing Bahamas, Spanish Wells to Cape Eleuthera - Hallberg Rassy 54 Cloudy Bay - Jan’20. S20 Ep2

Sailing Eleuthera. Passing Current Cut. Boat engine maintenance in Cape Eleuthera Marina. From the unique Spanish Wells we motored through the famous Current Cut, with its extreme tidal current, onto the bank on the west side of Eleuthera peninsula. Over the next few days, we hopped all the way down the west side of the peninsula, anchored in several interesting bays in the wonderful sheltered lee of the north-south elongated peninsula. Then we again had to run for cover. We found shelter in the rather expensive Cape Eleuthera Marina where we stayed two days and serviced Volvo, ran an anticalc raw water engine flush, repaired the mainsail, did the laundry and gave Cloudy Bay a clean and polish. Busy but productive days. Then finally headed to our original Bahamas destination, the Exuma Islands. 14-19 Jan 2020
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