СПК «Архангел Михаил» представляет:
Крупнейший международный матч по практической стрельбе в России. Более 450 стрелков из 150 стран. Мощнейшая борьба за медали. 30 сложнейших упражнений от Extreme Gun Group и незабываемая церемония награждения.
Each year is a world-class sporting event. Every year there are perfect stages. Each year there is an award ceremony, which has no equal in the world. And for the sake of this, it is worth going to Yekaterinburg at least once. To become a part of this incredible shooting event
Fifth anniversary Eurasia gathered a record number of shooters - about 450!
...!! Of these, more than 150 foreigners! From the USA to Australia, Canada and China, all of Europe, as well as IPSC newcomers - Kuwait and the UAE.Show more