Poetry and Music. Morning meditation performances (Part 2). Conversations of the soul with God

From morning meditations in Iceland. Musical composition. Music and poetry of Sri Chinmoy. More music: Father, O Father, What do You do Here in my heart? “I dream My cosmic Dream.” I do not have to know Your Cosmic Plan. You just keep me, my Lord, as Your real fan. A human life neglected, A cosmic plan unfinished. Complete the cosmic game You began. There is an unspeakable joy In completion. He knelt. Therefore God blessed him. He wept. Therefore God embraced him. He prayed. Therefore God employed him. He surrendered. Therefore God made him the manager Of His cosmic Factory. To have a gratitude-heart Is a supreme art That we all must learn. Gratitude Thrives On humility. A gratitude-heart Has the capacity to distribute Harmony, joy and peace. A life of soulful gratitude Is the richest life on earth. Therefore, countless people Th
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