Email Signup Just in Case Follow me on Twitter X Just in Case Breaking news warning for Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Florida. Texas department of health services DSHS has issued a warning for spread in the state. Texas had the first human case. Chickens and cattle are being affected by illness and it is now spreading to humans. We could see chicken shortages and beef shortages. Steak prices could go higher and chicken prices could skyrocket. Egg prices could go up as well. Prep for supply chain disruptions to the food supply chain. Prepare now and stockpile your prepper pantry. Start prepping for shtf 2024 and be prepared for anything. Stock up on food and water, have gold and silver coins for bartering. Watch Patrick Humphrey prepper news for urgent updates. Get stocked up on food water gold and silver in case of wrol. Practice survivalism and get your homestead prepared. “Stand firm, and you will win life.” Luke
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