Double Dagger - Luxury Condos For The Poor (extended) Official Video

More info: Sophisticated Urban Living (Contemporary Conveniences Edition) collects eleven unreleased and rare Double Dagger recordings from 2008 on a new digital-format album. Captured a year after the smart fury of Ragged Rubble (Stationary (Heart) Recordings) and a year before the more expansive and introspective MORE (Thrill Jockey), these songs reveal the band in an urgent and intensely creative period. Recorded on a cassette 4-track in Double Dagger’s Baltimore practice space in the Copycat Building, the album’s first nine tracks reverberate with the raw noise and energy of a DIY punk show as well as the freshness of the then-newly-written music. With vocals tracked while the lyrical ink was still wet on the paper, these recordings document the band’s songwriting process and include the first-recorded versions of many songs that would later appear on the MORE LP and the Masks EP. Despite, or pe
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