Anthony Hopkins in “The Bunker“ (1981)

In 1945, American correspondent James O’Donnell (James Naughton) is gaining entry to the Führerbunker by bribing a Soviet sentry with a packet of cigarettes. The film then tells the story of the occupants of the bunker between January and May 1945 as an extended flashback. A number of historical events and the reactions of the bunker’s residents are presented, including the encirclement of Berlin, Hitler’s (Sir Anthony Hopkins) last meeting with Albert Speer (Richard Jordan) and the attempts by Speer to sabotage Hitler’s scorched earth policy, Speer’s abortive plan to kill Hitler in the bunker, Hitler’s dismissal of Heinz Guderian, Hitler’s firing of Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Goering, the failure of German forces to lift the siege, the murder of the Joseph Goebbel’s (Cliff Gorman) children, Hitler’s wedding to Eva Braun (Susan Blakely), and the suicides of Hitler, Braun and Joseph and Magda Goebbels (Piper Laurie). The film ends as groups of survivors
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