DISSIMULATOR - Lower Form Resistance (2024, Альбом)

DISSIMULATOR ’Lower Form Resistance’ Released January 26th, 2024 LP / CD / DIGITAL Tape edition via Productions TSO 1. Neural Hack (0:00) 2. Warped (3:36) 3. Outer Phase (8:38) 4. Automoil & Robotoil (15:41) 5. Cybermorphism / Mainframe (22:07) 6. Hyperline Underflow (30:12) 7. Lower Form Resistance (35:00) Montreal’s Dissimulator will be a new name to most in 2024, but with the release of razor-sharp debut LP ‘Lower Form Resistance’ the band unleash an overwhelming future shock on the auditory and sensory nerves, permanently imprinting on the cerebral cortex with their pulsating unconventional attack. Comprised of a membership with resumes that include Chthe’ilist, Atramentus, Beyond Creation and more, the band executes its jagged sci-fi Death-Thrash with vicious intricacy. Over the course of ‘Lower Form Resistance’s’ 42 minutes the
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