Thmes d’inspiration (Charles Dekeukeleire, 1938)

In this film, “Charles Dekeukeleire compares portraits of old and modern masters with film images of real people to demonstrate that the “soul of the people has not changed over the centuries“. Jumping constantly from the present to the past, “Thèmes d’inspiration“ is undeniably marked both by avant-garde cinema, to which Dekeukeleire contributed with poem films in the style of Germaine Dulac and various montage films showing affinities with the cinema of Ruttmann and the Soviet cinema than by the new trends in documentary cinema of the 1930s.“ Excerpt from the booklet accompanying this edition, “The Documentary on Art in Belgium“ by Steven Jacobs (pages 36 and 37) This film won the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition of Cinematographic Art in Venice, 1938.
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