W.A. Mozart Der Spiegel

Today, we release a short, enjoyable piece of music which is popularly attributed to Mozart. Called “Der Spiegel“ (The Mirror), it is quite interesting in that both violinists share the same piece of music, which is placed on a table between them. This gives rise to an alternate name of “Table Music For Two.“ The music is written in what is called a “retrograde inversion,“ an unusual type of composition in which the notes for one musician, when viewed upside down, also serve as the notes for the other musician, thus enabling the creation of a duet with one sheet of music and one set of notes. When considering Mozart’s level of musical genius, and the sort of whimsical humor he would sometimes inject into his music, it is not hard to believe that this is one of his compositions. We hope you enjoy our little musical musings here, and hope that it brings some cheer to your day! #empiriani #violinduet #mozart #mirrorduet #tablefortwo
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