The new series follows Nikki as life events take her back to her roots in her hometown of St. Louis. Unfiltered, relatable and unapologetically herself, Nikki navigates friends, family and romance as a homegrown local celebrity. Watch the Welcome Home Nikki Glaser? premiere, May 1 on E!
#NikkiGlaser #WelcomeHomeNikkiGlaser #EEntertainment
About Welcome Home Nikki Glaser:
Comedian Nikki Glaser has uprooted her Hollywood life and moved back home with her parents in St. Louis. What started as a few week quarantine, has now turned into a permanent move! In this half-hour reality-sitcom, we’ll follow as Nikki hilariously attempts to rebuild her entire world, grow her career, make new friends, and look for love, all from the comfort of her childhood bedroom.
About E! Entertainment:
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