Four Views on the Apostle Paul: An Extended Look (Bird, Schreiner, Nanos, Campbell)

In this extended video, learn more about “Four Views on the Apostle Paul“ (Zondervan, 2012), in which four leading scholars present their views on the best framework for describing Paul’s theological perspective, including a Reformed View, a Post-New Perspective View, a Catholic View, and a Jewish View. This extended video includes background information on the book, its goals, and video interviews with general editor Michael F. Bird and Thomas R. Schreiner, Mark D. Nanos, and Douglas Campbell. Luke Timothy Johnson (Catholic View) was unavailable for filming, but we will try to get a video interview with him soon! Recent years have seen much controversy around the apostle Paul, his religious and social context, and its effects on his theology; this includes but is in no way limited to the New Perspective on Paul. Paul’s historical and religious context affects the theological interpretation of Paul’s writings, no small issue in the whole of Christian theology. In the he
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