While paradise-colored birds chirp from the trees and the moss-green lianas rustle to the beat of the wind, our boat glides gently down on the waves of the river. The symphony of the jungle enchants us with its very own harmony, chaotic and yet perfectly in tune.
Suddenly a pair of shining eyes piles up in the shallows of the water, followed by a monumental mouth full of crooked, grinning teeth. Amazed and curious, we recognize the silhouette of a hippopotamus that, with wobbling ears, tells us to follow its path.
Fascinated by the wild power of nature, we lag behind our new friend, while we hear a soothing sound from the distance, accompanied by a tremendous shaking of the earth.
As we slowly get closer to the scenery, we can hardly believe our eyes: an entire horde of hippos wiggles their hips up and down to the mesmerizing sound of a trumpet. Moved by this sight, we thank our friend and let ourselves carry away by the mu
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4 months ago 00:25:40 1
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