Привет от чеченских ваххабитов из Сирии

ЛОЖЬ ИЛИ ПРАВДА 4:05 Freedom or we will burn the counrty. 4:27 Death to Russia, long live to the chechens 4:45 Have started in Syria, will stop in Russia (in Arabic) Death to Russia (in Russain) 4:54 Today - Syria, tomorrow - Russia 5:10 Death to Russia 5:22 Uder the “portret“ is written in English “Boten“ instead of “Putin“ 5:35 Death to Russia and China 5:47 We will pray in the your palace, Putin. 6:27 battalion Caucasus 6:44 Thanks to Turkey, Qatar and Israel. 7:06 Chechens rise against the Russia
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