3 tango enganche ideas for better connection & creativity

It’s probably one of the most famous tango moves. Know the one we’re referring to? The enganche… That leg hook, that we see in every Hollywood and TV-renditions of tango dancing. Though they often portray it as a sexy move, in social dancing the enganche is actually a very precise and soft moment of connection between both dancers. It’s a rare moment when our legs touch and create a different sense of partnership. Precisely because it’s so delicate, our students often find it challenging. If you’re sometimes losing your balance during the enganche, aren’t sure what to do with your free leg, or simply want to feel more creative in your dancing, this video lesson is for you. We teach you 3 tango enganche ideas for better connection & creativity. Click on the video to learn: - 3 different variations of the engache so you can play more with dynamics when the music changes - How to use the embrace to make sure you have good communicati
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