WHAT I BOUGHT AT DISNEYLAND PARIS // Disney Haul // #disneylandparis #disneyhaul #disneyhalloween

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel☺️ In today’s video I’ll be showing you everything I bought on my trip to Disneyland Paris over Halloween (2022)! Please don’t forget to like this video if you enjoyed it & subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already. Your support really does mean the world and it also helps out my channel👍🖤 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECOND CHANNEL | @welshreader SUPPORT MY CHANNEL: AMAZON WISHLIST | MY LINKS: INSTAGRAM | FITNESS INSTAGRAM | GOODREADS | TIKTOK | Welshreader36 AFFILIATE / REFERRAL LINKS: SCRIBD | ​ MY PROTEIN | SKINNY FOOD CO. | http://...thesk
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