Genre: Post-Black Metal/Post-Rock/Shoegaze/Atmospheric Black Metal
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
“AEON“ is the first A Lapse Of Solitude’s release. It is an intense and heavy trip through different emotions and dissonances.
From Broken Will, we are proud to anounce this one as the first album completely produced by ourselves.
“A Lapse of Solitude“ is:
Santiago J. González (All Instruments vocals in studio)
Javier Llidó Miravé (Live and studio vocals)
Tomás Manzanares Ruiz (Live Guitars)
1. Intro (00:00)
2. AEON (02:28)
3. Hymn to Mary (07:32)
4. The Sunburn (12:05)
5. Pale Sky Over Akureyri (17:11)
6. Samarcanda - Hokkaido (21:47)
7. Beyond Hope and Failure (26:28)
8. Outro (33:52)