GTX 760 2GB Test in 25 Games in 2021
0:00 Grand Theft Auto IV
1:06 Counter Strike GO
2:11 Assassin’s Creed Unity
3:16 Grand Theft Auto V
4:22 Forza Horizon 4
5:27 PUBG (Update 14.2)
6:32 Call of Duty Warzone (Season 6)
7:37 Metro Exodus
8:42 Red Dead Redemption 2
9:47 Doom Eternal
10:53 Mafia Definitive Edition
11:58 Project Cars 3
13:03 Watch Dogs Legion
14:09 Cyberpunk 2077
15:14 Hitman 3
16:19 Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2
17:25 Days Gone
18:31 Aliens Fireteam Elite
19:36 WRC 10
20:40 Back 4 Blood
21:46 New World
22:51 Crysis Remastered
23:57 Crysis 2 Remastered
25:02 Crysis 3 Remastered
26:08 Call of Duty Vanguard