4 WORST ABS Mistakes ! (Easy to FIX) for beginners l 허리를 망치는 운동ㅣ초보자가 조심해야 할 4가지 복근 운동
Hello, Allbengers! This is Mark.
Here are 4 worst mistakes that beginners normally do when they do abs workout.
These mistakes can hurt your back and neck so please watch the video carefully !
However, don’t worry ! You can fix it easily if you keep in mind :)
Thank you for watching.
안녕하세요, 올블랑 마크입니다!!
오늘은 복근 운동을 할 때 허리나 목을 망치는 실수들을 소개해 드리려고 해요 :)
특히, 초보자분들이 쉽게 따라할 수 있도록, 노력해서 만들어보았습니다.
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