I made a candle-like strawberry rare cheese cake made without oven, gelatin, or eggs.
The strawberry-filled rare cheese cake is filled with strawberry jelly.
The finishing touch is heavy cream with yogurt and strawberries to make Santa’s hat... I wanted to make it into a candle, but it was weird. LOL!
You can put it in a mousse film or cups because it is a soft and melting cheesecake because it doesn’t contain gelatin.
I hope you enjoy the video with the subtitles turned on, as I have written how to make it and tips in the subtitles of the video☺
00:15 いちご寒天ゼリー strawberry agar jelly
03:57 クッキーの土台作り cookies
06:12 レアチーズケーキ rare cheesecake
10:26 仕上げのホイップクリーム whipped cream
冷凍いちご 300g
砂糖 50g
レモン汁 大さじ2
水 150ml
砂糖 15g
寒天 4g
ホワイトチョコレート 40g
クッキー 80g
クリームチーズ 200g
砂糖 40g
いちごの果肉 150g
生クリーム 150ml
砂糖 10g
無糖ヨーグルト 50g
生クリーム 50g
砂糖 8g
▷Ingredients (for 8 mousse films):
■Strawberry agar jelly (15cm x 15cm)
300g frozen strawberries
50 g sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
150 ml water
15g sugar
4g agar agar
1. Put strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan and cook until strawberries are soft.
2. Separate 150 g of the strawberry pulp (to be used for the rare cheese cake). Mash the remaining pulp, add water, sugar, and agar agar, and heat.
3. When the agar agar solution comes to a boil, simmer for 2 minutes. Transfer to a container and refrigerate for 1 hour or until firm.
4. Cut into 4 cm in diameter.
■Strawberry rare cheese cake
40 g white chocolate
80 g cookies
200 g cream cheese
40 g sugar
150g strawberry pulp
150 ml heavy cream
10g sugar
■Yogurt cream
50 g unsweetened yogurt
50 g heavy cream
8 g