【しいたけあられ】金曜日のおはよう【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38425224

Hailstone 2 solo videos ~ Hail, I’ll dance well! The weather was nice and this day was the best ~ Shiitake “This song is perfect for hail!“ Hail “... (Really! I’m glad!)“ Shiitake “And I came to the park for the first time in a while, but when the weather is so nice, I don’t want to play a little!“ Hail “... (Eh! Can I play !? Master! Let’s play!)“ (Hail runs and goes out to play) Shiitake “Oh! Hail! Wait a minute!“ Hail “... (statata)“ Shiitake “Hail! Where are you going ?!“ 楽曲ご本家様→sm23910729 使用音源様→sm23926031 振付ご本家様→sm23912175 撮影→∠コミ どうもありがとうございました! Dance: あられ ついった→ 師匠: しいたけ ついった→ ニコニコ→​ 他動画サイトへの転載はご遠慮下さい... 前作→おねがいダーリン sm38408586 03/15/2021 14:00 Views 1,550
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