Yomi - Kasagi

Genre: Japanese Folk Metal Band: Yomi Song: Kasagi ------ LYRICS Loose the string: Two arrows, two dead. Let the bloody slaughter commence! Singing steel and warcries Are splitting the earth. No respite for the line of defence. Kizugawa runs red with blood, Corpses drown in the crimson flood. Graves are filled to the brim, Bodies torn limb from limb, And the shogunate forces crawl back, Shrouded by the night. Day after day, Tens of thousands are dead, Yet no glory or fame has been won. Their bodies still broken, Soaked in water and blood, Yet all memory of them is gone. “Only death is certain in war, Let our names become stories and lore!“ Crescent is on the wane, Earth is battered by rain, And the shogunate forces ascend, Shrouded by the night. 木津川の (きづがわの) / kizugawa no 瀬々の岩浪 (せせのいわなみ) / sese no iwanami 早ければ (はやければ) / hayakereba 懸て程なく (かけてほどなく) / kakete hodo naku 落る高橋 (おちるたかはし) / ochiru takahashi 懸も得ぬ (かけもえぬ) / kake moenu 高橋落て (たかはしおちて) / takahashi ochite 行水に (ゆくみずに) / yukumizu ni 浮名を流す (うきなをながす) / ukina wo nagasu Kasagi aflame! x8 Shrouded by the night. ------ Facebook: VKontakte: Bandcamp: Instagram: #japanesefolkmetal #yomi #kasagi
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