The Raveonettes : Pink Duck Diary

Here’s an exclusive, inside look into the mind and recording process of The Raveonettes. This short documentary was shot in Pink Duck Studios in Los Angeles earlier this year. It features exclusive footage of Sharin and me recording the vocals for Raven In the Grave. But that all sounds kinda dull and been-there-done-that. The interesting part is Sharin’s brutally honest narrative that floats, like piercing, rusty nails, on top of black white pictures of the two of us “pretending“ to be an unbreakable gang. The fact is that we’re very far apart at this moment in time both mentally and creatively. I suggested we both write a diary about our experiences, expectations, issues and commitments regarding the future of the band and the album at hand. Unfortunately I lost my diary but Sharin’s diary proved to be a vital and important piece of confessional narrative. It’s a rare insight into the psychological state of mind of a struggling gang. It’s deeply personal and c
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