Peter Jones (ILG) Ltd. - P175 Chemical Spray Holder

Made from high quality leather and durable nylon mouldings, the P175 Chemical Spray Holder provides essential PROTECTION–COMFORT—PRECISION for non-lethal CS and OC sprays. It is acknowledged by police forces around the world as one of the fastest, most effective means of delivering non-lethal sprays. The Chemical Spray Holder has a 12 position ratchet enabling users to rotate the spray canister 360 degrees to the most comfortable position depending on whether standing or sitting down and according to ease of access, withdrawal and relocation. Left and right-handed models are available. The Chemical Spray Holder is detachable for secure storage and can withstand decontamination processes. Interchangeable pots are also available to allow the use of a wide range of canister diameters and lengths. The 175 Chemical Spray Holder can also incorporate the Peter Jones Klick Fast Carrying System.
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