Asmik Grigorian, soprano, Lukas Geniušas, piano, Vilnius Congress Hall, Vilnius, 14 April 2021. Because of the pandemic, this recital was without audience, except Asmik’s mother, also a famous opera singer, Irena Milkevičiūtė, that day was her birthday.
Originally broadcast and in streaming live, by Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija,
0:00 Rachmaminov - I Await You (Ya zhdu tebya), Opus 14 no 1
1:50 Rachmaminov - Oh do not grieve (O ne grusti), Opus 14 no 8
5:27 Rachmaminov - In the Silence of the Secret Night (V molchan′i nochi taynoy),Opus 4 no 3
8:07 Rachmaminov - What Hapiness (Kakoye schast′ye), Opus 34 no 12