Can life exist in 2D? The physics of a 2D Universe

Does two dimensional life exist? What would the physics of a 2D universe look like? Cosmologist Dr. James Scargill recently examined and released in a preprint on June 2019. Dr. Scargill’s website: Dr. Scargill’s paper: We have 3D 1D of time. Why aren’t there 4 dimensions or 2 dimensions? Can life exist in the 4th dimension? Is there something special about three dimensions that makes life possible? This is the question that But maybe our thoughts are based on an anthropic bias. Lets look at the case for 4D. Orbits would be unstable against small perturbations from gravity coming from the extra dimensions, and so planets could not orbit stars, and solar systems could not exist in 4D. No orbits means no solar system, and presumably no life. Also gravity waves using LIGO suggest that there are no higher large dimensions. So if higher dimensions exist, they exist on very small scales – on the scale of Planck lengths where the
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