HOW TO SKI CORBET’S COULOIR: 2023 Hardest Ski Run in North America (4K)

Want to ski Corbet’s? Hire me as your Ski Instructor! PSIA Alpine L2, Children’s Specialist L2, Freestyle L1, Snowboard L1 Business Inquiries: jaycummings@ With the annual event Kings and Queens of Corbet’s making this run infamous, countless skiers come to Jackson Hole with one goal: drop corbets. Special thanks to YY Not Coding for letting me use the very first clip in the video to show y’all how dangerous this run can be. Here is a link to his epic video: If you have ever been described as a timid skier or have ever been fearful while challenging your skiing ability, this run is most likely not for you. This was my second ever drop into Corbet’s Couloir. Therefore, I am by no means an expert on the couloir. However, I do have my PSIA Alpine Level 2 Certification so I am at least a half decent skier. Top Corbet’s Tips: #1 Don’t wait at the top: ski up—ski down. #2 Practice Corb
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