
00:00:00 - 1. Introduction\1. Introduction 00:03:04 - 1. Introduction\2. objectives 00:06:37 - 1. Introduction\3. example 00:11:59 - 1. Introduction\4. house style 00:20:47 - 2. The structure of a business report\1. structure 00:22:58 - 2. The structure of a business report\2. covering letter 00:26:21 - 2. The structure of a business report\3. title page 00:30:35 - 2. The structure of a business report\4. executive summary 00:34:53 - 2. The structure of a business report\5. table of contents 00:38:56 - 2. The structure of a business report\6. the introduction 00:43:39 - 2. The structure of a business report\7. methodology 00:47:15 - 2. The structure of a business report\8. findings 00:51:11 - 2. The structure of a business report\9. conclusions 00:55:57 - 2. The structure of a business report\10. recommendations 00:59:05 - 2. The structure of a business report\11. references 01:04:19 - 2. The structure of a business report\12. appendices 01:07:29 - 3. style\1. formatting 01:10:59 - 3. style\2. headings and subheadings 01:15:37 - 3. style\3. proof readings and editing 01:19:46 - 3. style\4. vocabulary 01:25:25 - 3. style\5. signposting 01:28:42 - 3. style\6. style
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