My Painting Process from Beginning to End

In this video I’m creating a big red painting from beginning to end. I’m often asked how long it takes to create a painting. Well this video will give you an insight into my process. My paintings are created by going on a journey: playing, experimenting with media, and looking for direction in design by what excites me. 👉Take note of how I alternate between using acrylic paint and dry media: pencils, pastels and oil sticks. 👉Look at how I integrate collage at the beginning of the painting to provide surface interest. 👉Watch me use templates to create unique and interesting shapes. 👉Listen as I explain how I know I’m finished at the end of the video. ________________________________________________________________________ Would you like my free Promptsheet? 50 ideas covering ways of using line, colour, paint application, tools, value/tonal contrasts, how to create beautiful texture using innovative tools, and many more! You’ll never be stuck for an
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