Nietzsche and Psychology - Why Creativity Demands Mental Suffering

Nietzsche and modern psychology can provide the reasons why creative genius and mental suffering often occur together. A famous example is the painter Vincent Van Gogh, who eternalized himself through his art and endured severe psychological suffering during his tragic life. Nietzsche wrote extensively about the necessity of suffering when engaging in the creative process. He knew that artists may have to sail into utter darkness during their pursuit of beauty. This darkness may engulf one completely and give birth to pathologies like depression or schizophrenia (e.g., Van Gogh). We will explore this predicament from a philosophical, neuroscientific as well as psychological perspective and see whether there is some light after all. All sources and further reading suggestions are mentioned at the end of the video. The video transcripts will be shared in the future if that is valuable to you guys. Thank you for watching the first video on this channel and I look forward to your
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