Positioning /part 3 ( Body )

We tried to be with you from the most basic level of an amateur motorcyclist and make progress step by step together. In this video, I am going to tell you about how to stand properly on the Trial motorcycle and how to position your Body, which I hope will be useful for you and enjoy watching the video. Everything you see in our training videos is the result of my training and taking part in Internal and international races or my studies in the field of motor trial that I decide to share with you for free. In return to using these videos, my only request to you dear ones is to share these vi...deos with your friends so that everyone can see and use them. So we can do our favorite sport with more knowledge and less risk of accident. I want to thank my sponsors to help us this happen, kindly thanks to: ​​ ​​​​ ​​​​ https:/
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