Dial L For Luigi

Luigi is a private investigator that’s down on his luck. The cases have dried up and he’s struggling to pay rent… until Princess Peach walks through his door. He hadn’t seen her since THAT incident during a Mario Kart Star Cup tournament, but she’s promising him a handsome sum of money if he can become a sort of Super Luigi detective and look into Dr Mario. Y’see, Mario ain’t so super in this world; he’s been working late hours at his makeshift surgery… or, at least that’s what’s telling his beau. Sure, the Super Mario Bros are blood, but coins are what this private dick needs if he’s ever going to get on the property ladder and make Luigi’s Mansion a reality. This isn’t your typical Mushroom Kingdom – Super Mario World this most certainly is not. You’re more likely to hear people tell stories of Mario VS Luigi rather than Mario AND Luigi. You’ll understand what we’re talking about when you hear what Luigi says about that infamous Mario Party. In fact, stop reading this description now, move your eyes
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