Junior Vs Senior Code - How To Write Better Code

Writing code is easy. Writing clean code, though, is much harder. In this video I take a look at two different code examples from a beginner, intermediate, and advanced level. The goal of this is to show you how a senior developer will think while programming and how they will structure their code to be as clean and well-written as possible. 📚 Materials/References: Template Literals Article: Guard Clause Article: Destructoring Video Tutorial: Reduce Function Tutorial: GitHub Code: 🧠 Concepts Covered: - How senior developers think - Using guard clau ... #WebDevSimplified #webdevsimplified #junior_vs_senior_dev #noob_vs_pro_code #noob_vs_pro #junior_vs_secnior_code #beginner_code #how_to_write_better_code #how_to_programmer_better #clean_code 20200428 g2nMKzhkvxw
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