The Auctioneer - Leroy Van Dyke (With Lyrics)

Hey well alright sir here we go there and what are ya’ gonna give for ’em. I have a 600 dollar down here now 10 and now 25 and now 35 and now there 50 now 60 will ya’ give me 60 now 75, 75 another 85 dollars another buy ’em there. There was a boy in Arkansas who wouldn’t listen to his ma when she told hi-im he should go to school. He’d sneak away in the afternoon, take a little walk then pretty soon, you’d find him at the local auction barn. He’d stand and listen carefully. Then pretty soon he began to see how the auctioneer could talk so rapidly. He said, “Oh my, it’s do or die. I’ve got to learn that auction cry. Gotta make my mark and be an auctioneer.“ 25 dollar bid it now, 30 dollar 30 Will you gimmie 30 make it 30 Bid it on a 30 dollar will you gimmie 30. Who’ll bid a 30 dollar bid? 30 dollar bid it now, 35, will you gimmie 35 to make it 35 to bid at 35. W
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