Often times the path to becoming the best version of yourself involves the lowest points imaginable. It’s even feasible that it takes a villain arc of your own to be able to have the perspective necessary to being a good person otherwise. I think Starlight is one of the best examples of this across all of the characters. And because of her perspective in being that villain, she’s able to empathize and help along others on a similar path to herself. HOW TO KILL A MONSTER is a testament to absolution. Things and people get worse before they get better, but what’s required is the resolve to be better in the first place. From a writing standpoint, the song is also probably the weirdest one on CUTIEMARKS, if not one of my weirder ones in general. Again, my goal was to take my progressive rock roots and nestle it between high octane experiments in sound design and arrangement. Transparently, I’m not entirely proud of the mix/master on this one, but perhaps it lends itself to that imperfection as an h
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