PrinceWhateverer - Shrouded Integrity (2021)

THE PONY TUNES DON’T STOP COMING!! Come read! 🔻 === S T U F F === 🔻 This was a commission I did a few years back for Skysweep and was featured on a past P@D! I liked it a lot but have re-recorded the instruments, reworked the mix, and added some little parts here n there! Also got some amazing artwork by NekroLED and ofc a video! Nekro and I both worked at lightspeed to get this ready on time!! (there’s a smol error in the vid that I hope not many people notice, but Vegas literally would not load the project anymore soooo this is just how it is now lmao) I’m hoping Skysweep homself can tl;dr the story of this track for y’all in the comments, ’cause I’ve long forgotten the details xD if he does I’ll be sure to pin it! Either way, I hope you like it! 🔽 === D O W N L O A D S === 🔽 Bandcamp (Includes instr & acca):
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