[MMD] Eren and Armin sing DaDaDa - Attack On Titan - SNK 進撃の巨人 funny
Watch “Attack on Titan“ online free and legally here! --
Online store with HUGE selection of Attack on Titan collectibles, etc.:
(the prices are in yen, but the site is in English).
Official English-subtitled Attack on Titan OP:
The ORIGINAL original song on this video came from a German group from the early 1980’s, “Trio“ of the then-new style, “Neue Deutsche Welle“ (“New German Wave“). The underlying rhythmic beat came from a toy
9 months ago 00:00:10 1
Эдит с 02 аниме милый фо франксе|Edit 02 Zero two Anime
9 months ago 00:01:49 3
mmd • mkto classic • erwin levi hange • attack on titan
2 years ago 00:01:13 1
[MMD] [Атака титанов] Капрал леви танцует лучше тебя.